'That`s What I Call A Pal'

Quartet Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
95 North 10-15-2011 FWD District 81.00 79.67 79.67 80.00
95 North 03-10-2012 FWD Prelims 78.00 77.33 77.00 77.33
95 North 10-13-2012 FWD District 78.00 81.00 80.67 79.67
Ad Lib 05-06-2000 SUN Prelims 57.50 62.00 56.50 58.50
Average Joes 10-18-2014 NED District 74.67 75.67 75.33 75.00
Average Joes 10-18-2014 NED Prelims 74.67 75.67 75.33 75.00
Brass Ring 07-07-1995 INT International 73.60 73.40 74.00 73.60
Brass Ring 10-07-1994 FWD District 75.33 71.00 73.33 73.00
Brass Ring 10-13-1995 FWD District 77.00 73.33 74.00 74.67
Brass Ring 03-18-1995 FWD Prelims 76.67 74.00 74.33 75.00
Brass Ring 10-12-1996 FWD District 79.00 76.33 72.33 75.67
Buzz, The 10-02-1999 CSD District 54.50 66.50 59.50 60.00
Buzz, The 10-10-1998 CSD District 67.00 62.50 65.50 65.00
Good Times 10-07-2000 MAD District 78.33 83.67 77.33 79.67
Good Times 03-08-2003 MAD Prelims 77.67 79.67 78.00 78.33
Magnum 05-01-2004 LOL Prelims 67.50 65.00 70.00 67.50
Magnum 10-23-2004 LOL District 74.00 72.67 71.00 72.33
Magnum 04-30-2005 LOL Prelims 75.00 75.00 74.67 74.67
Magnum 10-22-2005 LOL District 75.33 73.33 77.67 75.33
Magnum 03-04-2006 SWD Prelims 72.00 74.50 73.50 73.00
Magnum 10-28-2006 LOL District 76.00 73.67 73.33 74.33
Right on Q 04-18-2009 PIO Prelims 60.50 63.50 64.50 62.50
Right on Q 10-17-2009 PIO District 64.50 64.50 63.00 64.00
Right on Q 04-26-2014 PIO Prelims 68.50 67.50 69.00 68.00
Riptide 07-09-2005 INT International 86.40 88.40 86.40 87.00
Seattle Sound 07-05-1997 INT International 76.40 79.60 79.20 78.40
Three Kids and a Goat 10-07-1995 SHD District 57.00 56.50 59.00 57.50
Tradition 07-04-2017 INT NextGen Varsity 75.00 75.00 75.33 75.00
Unlawful Assembly 04-25-1997 PIO Prelims 64.00 72.50 68.00 68.00
Wheelhouse 07-04-2007 INT International 84.40 84.00 84.40 84.20
Wheelhouse 03-10-2007 MAD Prelims 83.50 82.50 83.00 83.00
Yesteryear 07-04-1996 INT International 89.00 90.00 89.00 89.20
Yesteryear 07-09-1994 INT International 87.40 87.20 87.20 87.20
Yesteryear 04-09-1994 JAD Prelims 84.33 81.67 87.67 84.33
Yesteryear 10-16-1993 JAD District 84.00 83.50 85.50 84.00
Zamboni Brothers 04-10-2010 SUN Prelims 80.50 79.50 79.50 79.50
Zamboni Brothers 06-30-2010 INT International 83.00 80.40 80.60 81.20

Chorus Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Bay Country Chorus 10-09-1999 MAD District 76.33 82.67 76.67 78.33
Chorus of the Brandywine 10-07-2006 MAD District 68.33 68.00 68.00 68.00
Chorus of the Chesapeake 07-02-2010 INT International 84.00 80.80 81.60 82.00
Chorus of the Chesapeake 10-02-2010 MAD District 78.67 78.33 79.67 78.67
The Dapper Dans of Harmony 10-02-2010 MAD District 63.33 62.33 64.67 63.33
The Mainliners 07-06-1996 INT International 82.40 83.80 83.20 83.00
The Mainliners 10-12-1996 MAD District 83.33 83.00 82.33 82.67
Vocal Confluence 10-15-2005 JAD District 63.50 62.00 66.00 63.50
Vocal Confluence 10-16-2004 JAD District 67.50 58.50 62.50 62.50
Vocal Confluence 10-18-2003 JAD District 60.50 61.00 65.00 62.00