'Too Young'

Quartet Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Newfangled Four, The 03-21-2015 FWD Prelims 77.00 79.00 81.00 79.00
Darlington Brothers 10-16-2010 JAD District 69.33 71.33 66.67 69.00
Darlington Brothers 10-15-2011 JAD District 70.33 69.67 70.00 70.00
Bottom Line, The 10-28-2006 LOL District 58.00 66.00 65.00 63.00
Infinity 11-10-2018 NSC District 72.00 72.00 70.00 71.00

Chorus Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Gentlemen of Fortune 10-01-2005 EVG District 70.33 73.00 72.00 71.67
MegaCity Chorus 07-04-2009 INT International 72.00 75.60 76.00 74.40
JAD Seniors Chorus 10-15-2016 JAD District 71.00 70.00 73.50 71.50