'When I Fall In Love'

Quartet Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Riverside Rhythm 10-21-2017 CSD District 56.67 59.00 60.00 58.33
Sound Factory 04-26-2019 CSD Prelims 72.00 72.50 73.00 72.50
Radio Days 10-13-2023 CSD District 67.33 66.67 68.00 67.33
Silver Lining 10-08-2016 DIX District 70.00 68.50 70.50 69.50
Silver Lining 03-18-2017 DIX Prelims 65.00 68.00 67.00 66.50
Silver Lining 09-23-2017 DIX District 71.00 65.00 69.00 68.00
High Life 10-27-2018 EVG District 78.00 77.50 79.50 78.00
High Life 03-29-2019 EVG Prelims 77.50 75.00 79.50 77.00
TBD 10-12-2019 EVG District 66.67 68.67 66.67 67.33
Belltown 04-30-2022 EVG Prelims 73.50 74.00 73.00 73.50
Belltown 10-21-2022 EVG District 74.00 75.50 73.50 74.00
Wicked Pitch of the West 10-20-2023 EVG District 66.67 66.33 65.67 66.00
Old Town Rascals 03-17-2018 FWD Prelims 65.00 67.00 65.67 65.67
Take Note 09-26-2015 ILL District 57.50 67.50 68.50 64.50
Menagerie 09-26-2015 ILL District 58.00 64.00 65.00 62.00
Take Note 09-26-2015 ILL Prelims 57.50 67.50 68.50 64.50
Menagerie 09-26-2015 ILL Prelims 58.00 64.00 65.00 62.00
After Hours 06-09-2016 INT International 86.80 88.80 89.80 88.40
Crosstown 03-25-2022 JAD Prelims 57.50 56.00 64.00 59.00
Note`orious 10-25-2014 LOL District 63.00 65.00 61.00 63.00
Perfect Pour 10-22-2016 LOL District 68.50 66.50 66.00 67.00
Note`orious 10-16-2021 LOL District 61.00 59.00 59.50 59.50
Chapter Two 03-25-2017 NSC Prelims 54.50 53.00 58.00 55.00
Technically Sound 11-10-2017 NSC District 74.00 70.00 70.00 71.00
Technically Sound 03-24-2018 NSC Prelims 75.00 72.50 75.00 74.00
Technically Sound 03-16-2019 NSC Prelims 73.50 77.00 73.50 74.50
Top Shelf 04-02-2022 NSC Prelims 67.00 73.50 76.00 72.00
Basses Unlimited 10-17-2015 ONT District 65.50 69.50 68.00 67.50
Benchmark 10-13-2018 ONT District 68.50 69.00 67.50 68.00
Oakridge 4 10-21-2022 ONT District 66.00 67.50 67.50 67.00
Oakridge 4 10-13-2023 ONT District 65.00 65.00 68.00 66.00
Evenin Gentlemen 04-21-2023 PIO Prelims 67.00 65.00 63.50 65.00
Anything Goes 09-23-2023 SLD District 63.00 64.00 63.00 63.00
Chordplay 05-04-2019 SWD Prelims 63.50 66.00 67.50 65.50

Chorus Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Seachordsmen 10-12-2019 EVG District 68.33 69.00 67.67 68.33
Singing Buckeyes 10-17-2015 JAD District 77.50 79.00 80.50 79.00
State Line Chorus 10-17-2015 JAD District 52.00 51.50 51.50 51.50
Singing Buckeyes 10-15-2016 JAD District 76.50 76.50 78.00 77.00
The Alliance 10-27-2018 JAD District 82.50 77.50 81.50 80.50
Heart of Harmony Chorus 10-24-2015 LOL District 68.50 66.50 67.00 67.00