Sound Horizon NED

Quartet / Song Date Rank %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total
1995 - District - NED 10-28-1995 14 51.00 52.33 54.83 52.72
Ma, She`s Making Eyes At Me 50.67 51.33 53.67 51.67
The Little Boy 51.33 53.33 56.00 53.33
1995 - Prelims - NED 05-06-1995 9 53.75 63.00 57.25 58.00
Ma, She`s Making Eyes At Me 53.50 62.00 56.00 57.00
The Little Boy 54.00 64.00 58.50 58.50
1994 - District - NED 10-22-1994 11 60.00 56.00 64.50 60.17
Ma, She`s Making Eyes At Me 58.50 56.50 64.00 59.50
The Little Boy 61.50 55.50 65.00 60.50