Noteworthy SLD

Quartet / Song Date Rank %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total
2017 - Prelims - SLD 04-08-2017 9 60.38 64.00 61.88 62.08
Caroline 61.50 64.00 61.50 62.00
Polka Dots And Moonbeams 60.00 62.50 61.50 61.00
There, I`ve Said It Again 61.00 65.50 63.50 63.00
From The First Hello To The Last Goodbye 59.00 64.00 61.00 61.00
2016 - District - SLD 10-01-2016 12 64.50 62.75 62.50 63.25
I`m Beginning To See The Light 65.50 63.50 62.00 63.50
Take Good Care Of Yourself, You Belong To Me 63.50 62.00 63.00 62.50