Tagnabbit SWD

Quartet / Song Date Rank %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total
2016 - District - SWD 10-01-2016 15 64.50 63.67 62.33 63.50
Make `Em Laugh 64.67 64.33 63.33 64.00
There Never Was A Gang Like That Old Gang Of Mine 64.33 63.00 61.33 62.67
2015 - District - SWD 10-03-2015 14 66.50 65.67 66.83 66.33
Lazy River 67.33 66.00 68.33 67.00
If You Had All The World And Its Gold 65.67 65.33 65.33 65.33
2016 - Prelims - SWD 10-03-2015 14 66.50 65.67 66.83 66.33
Lazy River 67.33 66.00 68.33 67.00
If You Had All The World And Its Gold 65.67 65.33 65.33 65.33