Vocal Edge SWD

Quartet / Song Date Rank %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total
2015 - District - SWD 10-03-2015 22 59.33 63.00 58.50 60.28
Who Told You? 58.33 62.33 58.00 59.33
Let`s Get Away From It All 60.33 63.67 59.00 61.00
2016 - Prelims - SWD 10-03-2015 22 59.33 63.00 58.50 60.28
Who Told You? 58.33 62.33 58.00 59.33
Let`s Get Away From It All 60.33 63.67 59.00 61.00
2012 - District - SWD 10-06-2012 25 57.33 55.50 57.83 56.89
Bright Was The Night 57.00 55.33 57.33 56.33
Nevertheless (I`m In Love With You) 57.67 55.67 58.33 57.00