Masterpiece SLD

Quartet / Song Date Rank %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total
1999 - Prelims - SLD 04-10-1999 9 61.50 57.25 62.00 60.25
The Moment I Saw Your Eyes 62.00 56.00 61.00 59.50
You Are The One I Love 61.00 58.50 63.00 60.50
1998 - District - SLD 10-03-1998 7 63.25 62.00 60.13 61.79
Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Quartet Of Mine 67.00 60.50 61.50 63.00
Do You Really Love Me 63.00 62.00 60.00 61.50
Love Letters Straight From Your Heart 63.00 62.50 60.50 62.00
The Moment I Saw Your Eyes 60.00 63.00 58.50 60.50